Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Soup's On!

“When we were growing up, we were so poor that our heritage was the only thing we had. Mama would say, “Kids, pour more water in the soup. Better days are coming.”
-Ashley Judd, American actress

Whenever I am unable to practice yoga and I am feeling unsettled, I default to making soup. Last week, I made three pots! Making a pot of soup grounds me. There is something so magical about a steaming pot of soup with all of its individual ingredients blending together yet allowing each herb, vegetable or spice to stand out. Soup crosses all borders, all ethnicities, all religions and always returns back home to our hearts. Soup is universal and soup is unique to each culture. Soup is a beautiful thing.

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the first sutra should be enough to ground us: “Yogas Citta Vritti Nirodhah”. It means the restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff: the chatter, the voices that say you should or you shouldn’t or you should have. This is Yoga. All of the yogic practices are based on this one sutra. If you can control the ebb and the flow, the frantic and the calm, and the rise and the fall of the mind, you will experience Yoga. Well…some days are better than others!

There are oftentimes in life when the world seems to be spinning so quickly; especially now. People are worried about their jobs, their children, their finances and the future. Uncertainty breeds discontent and it becomes increasingly difficult to manage the chatter or the citta. It is in times of uncertainty when we need to practice yoga the most, but sometimes that too becomes a challenge.

So what grounds you? When you can’t get to yoga or the yoga just doesn’t seem to work that day, what is it that reminds you that everything is okay our world? Maybe you make cake or cookies or maybe you balance your checkbook or review your accounts; maybe you clean out a closet or cuddle with your sweetie or your kids; or maybe you cuddle up with Ben & Jerry (I’ll admit it…I’ve done it). Maybe you go for a run or get on your bike, or maybe you write a letter to a friend, or call your mom or dad. Me…I make soup and I am reminded that all is right in the world. Soup is a sure thing.

The Kindest Course
“Soup is cuisine’s kindest course. It breaths reassurance; it steams consolation; after a weary day it promotes sociability…there is nothing like a bowl of hot soup, its wisp of aromatic steam making the nostrils quiver with anticipation.”

-Chef Louis P. DeGouy from The Soup Book, 1949

Reminder: Class will be cancelled this Saturday due to the Dean Learner workshop at the Yoga Room. Check out for more information.

1 comment:

amy turn sharp said...

loved this post babe. Recall " a ladle full of lit" :)
kiss kiss