Sunday, September 7, 2008

The word kindness has a softness, an ease about it...

“It’s easier to be generous than kind.” –Mercy Ermakov

This past Sunday I was running with my regular Sunday running buddy, Mercy and she said, “It’s easier to be generous than kind.” I don’t remember the complete context of our conversation but I do remember the profound effect that her statement had on me. In all honesty, her friendship has had a profound impact on my life and I never even realized it until she made that comment on Sunday.

Mercy and I are unlikely friends. On paper our lives couldn’t be more different. I met Mercy in a running club about two years ago and I never expected to spend so many hours with her having interesting and often random discussions…but here we are. For the past two years, we’ve met almost every other Sunday to run and in my case, to learn kindness. Mercy has unknowingly taught me about kindness.

Ever since Sunday, I have been thinking about kindness. Consider kindness in your life. How are you kind to yourself, to others and to the world around you?

Next time someone gives you a compliment, you could say: “Thank you. You are kind.” Rather than: “Oh…thanks…but I still need to lose 10 pounds.”

Be kind to your body. Instead of forcing your body into an uncomfortable pose in your asana practice, back off. Be kind. Be considerate.

Try really listening to someone while they are speaking with a genuine heartfelt sympathy and a gentle tenderness rather than thinking about what you are going to say next.

Spend one whole day using grace, pleasure, compassion, benevolence, affection and kindness as your guiding intention and disposition in everything you do and say. Note how this feels…

During the time in my life when I first met Mercy, I was rather narrowly focused on my goals, my priorities, my routine. I wouldn’t or maybe couldn’t open up to the softness, the ease, the grace of kindness, but Mercy could and she did and she asked me if I would consider meeting her on Sundays to run. And I said yes.

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