Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Within you lies the simple silence. Be quiet & listen." -Unknown

“All I am gonna do is just go on and do what I feel.” -Jimi Hendrix

Anytime I’ve ignored my gut, I’ve gotten myself into trouble. Even when my intuition has screamed loudly: ‘Danger! Danger! Huge red flag approaching’ my brain gets in the way. I begin sorting, filing, justifying and sometimes ignoring what I know to be true and right inside of me. But why?

When our gunas or qualities of nature begin to bully each other, especially good ‘ole rajas and tamas, we get confused. There is too much commotion and we can’t hear our intuition kindly trying to speak to us. When my gunas get in an uproar, I can become overly rajasic and move at lightening speed…but even sometimes that lazy, hazy tamas slips in and I can turn into a slug. I usually end up sluggin’ it when I have had weeks or months or years of frantic rajasic behavior and I simply stop. It’s as if I have no control.

Realizing that graceful and peaceful sattvic balance allows us to observe, touch and understand the truth inside each of us. Getting to that truth (and sometimes facing it) is the tough part. Whenever my gunas get out of whack, I know it’s time to settle in, clear out the clutter and quiet the mind so I can listen to that insightful teacher who is always present.

Consider some ways in your life that you can settle in, clear out the clutter and listen:
Settle In: Say no to some activity one day per week (well…except yoga). Do you really have to go to every Happy Hour, every baby shower or every dinner party?
Clear Out the Clutter: You can clear out the clutter by cleaning up your diet. Consider choosing one day a week to eat only fruits and veggies, nothing processed and lots of refreshing H2O.
Quiet the Mind: Just sit. Catch a glimpse of what arises in the mind and let it slip right on by.

I am looking forward to seeing your beautiful sattvic faces this Saturday. Bring all your gunas to class and we’ll work on balancing them in our asana practice.

“I feel there are two people inside me - me and my intuition. If I go against her, she'll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely." -Kim Basinger

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